Introduction to Paulinian Digitized Education (PDE) Certificate Program
This webinar series starting in February and ending in June is made up of four intermediate certificate programs. For April, the list of webinars above constitutes the INTRODUCTION TO PAULINIAN DIGITIZED EDUCATION (PDE) CERTIFICATE PROGRAM. At the end of each webinar, the -participant receives an individual webinar certificate (IWC). Upon completing all four webinars, the participant will be given an intermediate accomplishment certificate for the PDE Certificate Program.
Each webinar costs Php 500.00. However, if one gets all 4 webinars, the participant will get it for the price of three or Php 1,500.00 and receive a FREEBIE webinar (worth Php 500.00) of his or her choice from the remaining webinars offered in the following months (The earlier you register, the more webinar choices you will get). A graduate of the QRA certificate program in January has the chance of completing the Certificate in Research Methods (CRM) full course certificate (FCC) and getting a total savings of Php 2,000.00 in discounts and an additional Php 2,000.00 more in freebie webinars (The total regular cost of the FCC is Php 10,000.00). Register early and save 40% of the regular cost of the FCC.
Anyone who is enrolled in a graduate program in St. Paul University Manila (MA/MS or PhD/DBA) from any college may have the FCC credited as a full 3-unit Research Methods course when the course is offered prior to writing his or her thesis or dissertation. A graduate student may take the webinars ahead of the offering of the equivalent course in his or her degree program. If you want to save time and get ahead in your schedule, take this course in full and benefit from a wide range of resource speakers who are experts in different fields. As such, you get the privilege of learning about research from a multitude of perspectives that you cannot get in any regular research methods class. Aside from monetary savings you get a learning advantage not found in other schools.
Any undergraduate student who attends any of the webinars starting January may credit the 3 hours of the webinar to contact hours in his or her Introduction to Research course or any course that offers research methods topics during the semester of his or her enrollment. Have more time for thesis preparations and be ahead in your degree program by learning with graduate students and teachers.
Any attendee of the webinars will get the chance to participate in any ongoing research by the resource speakers as collaborators and be published as a co-author if he or she desires to participate in such a role. Our research faculty are published in Scopus-indexed journals. Attendees will be given exclusive invitations to present in research forums organized by the university, the St. Paul University System, and other consortia of which the university is a part. You may also get the chance to be mentored or coached by the speakers at no extra cost. Be part of the generous Paulinian research family.
June - Introduction to Paulinian Knowledge Management (PKM)
May - Applied Mixed Research (AMR)